Secondary School Registration

Mentors' Training Programme

About the Bootcamp Challenge

Students will gain more in-depth knowledge and skills about Cyber Wellness, and apply their learning to storyboard and conceptualise suitable stories / messages to be featured in their final video deliverable.
Student participants will also learn technical knowledge and skills in video production to generate a 90- second clip.
Video Submission : Each team (Secondary School mentors & Primary School participants) will submit its 90-second final video deliverable at the end of the two-day bootcamp on 7 November 2024.
Showcase and Celebration
Winning entries from the SSCWC 2024 will be showcased at a celebration event to commemorate Safer Internet Day in early 2025. All participating schools will be invited to attend the showcase & celebration event.
Winning teams will receive their prizes at this event. All student participants will also receive their Certificates of Participation.